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We offered an officially adapter package for Yup: React Happy Form Yup.


npm install yup react-happy-form-yup


Here is an example for how to use React Happy Form Yup.

import { useForm, native } from 'react-happy-form';
import { yupValidate } from 'react-happy-form-yup';
import { object, string, InferType } from 'yup';

// define Yup validate schema
const formSchema = object({
firstName: string().required('File name is required'),
lastName: string().required('Last name is required'),
email: string().required('Email name is required'),

// get form values type from Yup schema
type FormValues = InferType<typeof formSchema>;

export const App = () => {
const { field, submit, hasError, getError } = useForm<FormValues>({
// use yupValidate for Yup schema
onValidate: yupValidate(formSchema),
onSubmit: (values: FormValues) => {
isValidateOnTouched: true,
isFocusOnValidateFailed: true,

return (
<h2>Yup - React Happy Form</h2>
<form onSubmit={submit}>
<input {...native(field('firstName'))} placeholder="First name" />
{hasError('firstName') && <span>{getError('firstName')}</span>}
<input {...native(field('lastName'))} placeholder="Last name" />
{hasError('lastName') && <span>{getError('lastName')}</span>}
<input {...native(field('email'))} placeholder="Email" />
{hasError('email') && <span>{getError('email')}</span>}

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